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Revoir les indications d’imagerie médicale chez les patients adultes avec suspicion de colique néphrétique.

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Ce cours a été conçu par Pierre Baril et révisé par Marcel Emond le jeudi 17 mai 2018.


Derivation and validation of a clinical prediction rule for uncomplicated ureteral stone--the STONE score: retrospective and prospective observational cohort studies.
Moore CL,Bomann S,Daniels B,Luty S,Molinaro A,Singh D,Gross CP, BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2014 Mar 26 348() g2191
External Validation of the STONE Score, a Clinical Prediction Rule for Ureteral Stone: An Observational Multi-institutional Study.
Wang RC,Rodriguez RM,Moghadassi M,Noble V,Bailitz J,Mallin M,Corbo J,Kang TL,Chu P,Shiboski S,Smith-Bindman R, Annals of emergency medicine 2016 Apr 67(4) 423-432.e2
Ultrasonography versus computed tomography for suspected nephrolithiasis.
Smith-Bindman R,Aubin C,Bailitz J,Bengiamin RN,Camargo CA Jr,Corbo J,Dean AJ,Goldstein RB,Griffey RT,Jay GD,Kang TL,Kriesel DR,Ma OJ,Mallin M,Manson W,Melnikow J,Miglioretti DL,Miller SK,Mills LD,Miner JR,Moghadassi M,Noble VE,Press GM,Stoller ML,Valencia VE,Wang J,Wang RC,Cummings SR, The New England journal of medicine 2014 Sep 18 371(12) 1100-10
Radiological imaging of patients with suspected urinary tract stones: national trends, diagnoses, and predictors.
Westphalen AC,Hsia RY,Maselli JH,Wang R,Gonzales R, Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2011 Jul 18(7) 699-707


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